No EU Money To the Israeli Arms Industry


No EU money to the Israeli Arms industry

A call to stop the EU’s role in militarisation and profiteering from human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territory

The EU has been funding security-industrial research for many years. The overall EU budget for security researchhas tripledfrom 1.4 billion, under the previous budget period, to 3.8 billionfrom 2014 to 2020.This European taxpayers’ money is being channeled to military companies, among them many Israeli corporations, under the disguise of research and a promise that the technologies and techniques developed will be used solely for civilian purposes.

One of the ways in which arms and military companies have gained access to EU funding is through the current EU Program for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. This includes many Israeli military companies. Although the EU claims that research funds have gone only to projects with civilian applications, many of the projects approved are of dual-use nature serving military interests as well. Many others serve policies that curb or violate refugees’ rights and militarise our societies.

The EU’s cooperation with Israeli military companies is proof that dual-use projects are inherently serving military purposes as well. Isaac Ben-Israel, Chairman of the Israel Space Agency,putit bluntly: because we are a small country, if you build a small-satellite production line, say at IAI, it will be used for military and for commercial purposes.”The ECCP and Stop the Wall undertook a thorough analysis of EU projects which involve Israeli military companies; the analysis shows how public European funds are currently being used to develop, legitimise and profit from technology that is field-tested”by Israel in the commission of war crimes and human rights violations.

There are many indications that the EU’s ‘border control’ policies are built on concepts and technologies that violate human rights. From the Transnational Institute and StopWapenhandel a well-documented report shows how Israeli companies have a unique selling strategy, capitalising on the fact that Israeli technology is ‘battle proven’ during illegal actions and policies of ‘border control’ and ‘population control’ in the context of occupation and colonisation, such as the Wall in the occupied West Bank, the siege and military attacks on Gaza, and many more examples.

Israeli military and homeland security companies, such as the Israel Aerospace Industries, have played a role in fortifying the borders of Bulgaria and Hungary, in the EU maritime surveillance programmes, and in the EU Frontex programme in general.

The EU refuses to take into account the grave misconduct of companies as well as the origin and possible destination of such technology thereby violating its own rules and regulations.

In July 2017, 25 international law experts published a legal opinion regarding the case of the Horizon 2020 LAW TRAIN project,which is based on cooperation with the Israeli police, which have a track record of torture and other human rights violations. The experts’ report highlights the need to exclude such actors demonstrably involved in systematic violations of human rights. By funding such projects, the EU simply turns a blind eye to grave violations of international law and human rights carried out within or outside its borders.

Therefore we call on the EU:

  1. To limit EU Framework programs strictly to civilian security and peace research, excluding also research in border surveillance and dual-use technologies, and to avoid any link between Framework Programs and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP), in particular the EU Defence Agency (EDA);
  1. To immediately exclude all Israeli military and security companies from the EU framework programs, given that an analysis of past projects has shown that their participation in these programs inherently involves EU support for the development and legitimisation of and profiting from technology and methodology used by Israel in the context of war crimes and human rights violations;
  1. To ensure transparency and democratic control over EU research programmes’ annual calls for proposals.



European and international platforms:

1. European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine

2. Pax Christi International

3. European Network Against Arms Trade (ENAAT)

4. Corporate Europe Observatory

5. Decolonial International Network (DIN)



6. Women in Black (Vienna)

7. Antiimperialistische Koordination (AIK)

8. Society for Austro-Arab Relations (SAAR)

9. Styrian Peace Platform (Steirische Friedensplattform)



10. La Centrale Generale FGTB – trade union

11. Socialist Union for Cultural Workers and Media (ACOD Cultuur) – trade union

12. Belgian Workers Party (PVDA – PTB) – political party


14. 11.11.11 – NGO

15. Vredesactie

16. Belgian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (BACBI)

17. Plateforme Watermael-Boitsfort Palestine

18. Palestina Solidariteit

19. Association Belgo-Palestinienne

20. Hand in Hand tegen Racisme

21. Partij van de Arbeid



22. Communist Party of Finland – political party

23. Friends of the Earth Finland – NGO

24. Finnish-Arab Friendship Society

25. Finnish Peace Committee (Suomen Rauhanpuolustajat)

26. Physicians for Social Responsibility, Finland

27. Spartacus Foundation

28. Women for Peace, Finland

29. Women Against Nuclear Power, Finland

30. Amandamaji rf, Finland

31. Committee of 100 in Finland

32. Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions Finland



33. Union Syndicale Solidaires – trade union

34. The French Communist Party (PCF) – political party

35. The Party of the Indigenous of the Republic (PIR) – political party

36. Pax Christi France – NGO

37. Ligue des droits de l’Homme (LDH) – NGO

38. Plateforme des ONG françaises pour la Palestine – NGO

39. Association France Palestine Solidarité (AFPS) – NGO

40. Union juive française pour la paix (UJFP) – NGO

41. Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente (MAN)

42. Comité de Vigilance pour une Paix Réelle au Proche-Orient (CVPR PO)

43. Association des Universitaires pour le Respect du Droit International en Palestine (AURDIP)

44. Sciences Citoyennes

45. REF – Réseau Euromed France

46. BDS France,

47. Collectif Judéo Arabe et Citoyen pour la Palestine

48. Mouvement International de la Réconciliation-France

49. Association Jumelage Palestine France

50. La Cimade

51. Réseau Sortir du colonialisme

52. Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l’Amitié entre les Peuples (MRAP)

53. Forum Palestine Citoyenneté

54. Le Mouvement de la paix



55. Jewish Voice for Peace (Jüdische Stimme für gerechten Frieden in Nahost) Germany

56. Deutsch-Palästinensische Gesellschaft NRW Süd

57. BDS Berlin

58. BDS-Gruppe Bonn

59. Institut für Palästinakunde e.V.



60. Derry Trades Union Council – trade union

61. Dublin Council Of Trade Unions – trade union

62. Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association of Great Britain and Ireland – trade union

63. Sinn Féin – political party

64. Communist Party of Ireland – political party

65. Solidarity – The Left Alternative – political party

66. People Before Profit – political party

67. Sadaka – NGO

68. Centre for Global Education – NGO

69. Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign – NGO

70. Action from Ireland (Afri) – NGO

71. Africa Solidarity Centre Ireland – NGO

72. Trade Union Friends of Palestine – campaigning group

73. Peoples Movement – Gluaiseacht an Phobail – campaigning group

74. Peace and Neutrality Alliance – campaigning group

75. Irish Football Fans Against Israeli Apartheid – campaigning group

76. Shannonwatch – campaigning group

77. Academics for Palestine – campaigning group

78. Students for Justice in Palestine (Dublin) – campaigning group

79. United Against Racism – campaigning group



80. New Weapons Research Group – NGO

81. Salaam Ragazzi dell’Olivo – Comitato di Milano – NGO

82. Salaam Children of Olive Tree – Milan Committee – NGO

83. Rete della Pace – network of 60 organisations – involved in peace, disarmament, noviolence, human rights.

84. Associazione Amici della Mezzaluna Rossa Palestinese

85. Casa Terra

86. Cultura è Libertà

87. Comitato ”Nessun M346 a Israele” (Varese)

88. Donne in nero (Women in black)

89. Rete Disarmo (membro ENAAT)

90. Rete Ebrei contro l’occupazione (ECO)

91. Rete Romana di Solidarietà con il Popolo Palestinese

92. Reti di pace (Laboratorio Monteverde)

93. WILPF Italia (Women’s international league for peace and freedom)

94. BDS Italia

95. Rete Disarmo

96. Tavolo TerraCorpiTerritori&SpaziUrbani in Non Una Di Meno, Italy

97. AssopacePalestina



98. The National Federation of Railway Workers, Transport Workers, Officials and Employees of Luxembourg (FNCTTFEL)– trade union

99. déi Lénk – political party

100. SOS Faim – NGO

101. Cercle de Coopération – NGO

102. Comité pour une paix juste au Proche-Orient

103. Action Solidarité Tiers Monde


The Netherlands:

104. Socialist International

105. Kairos Sabeel Nederland – NGO

106. Diensten en Onderzoek Centrum Palestina (DocP) (DocP)

107. Transnational Institute – think tank

108. Nederlands Palestina Komitee

109. SAP/Grenzeloos


111. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Dutch section

112. Vredesbeweging Pais



113. SNP Friends of Palestine

114. Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

115. Scottish Friends of Palestine


Spanish State:

116. Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), trade union

117. Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), trade union

118. Basque Workers Solidarity – ELA (Basque Country), trade union

119. Confederacion Intersindical Galega – CIG (Galicia), trade union

120. Intersindical Alternativa de Catalunya (IAC), trade union

121. Podemos – political party

122. SODePAZ – NGO

123. Internazionalistak Auzolanean – social movement

124. Unión de Juventudes Comunistas de España

125. BDS País Valencià – social movement

126. Unadikum- social movemnet

127. Paz con Dignidad

128. Associació Punt d’Interacció de Collserola

129. Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau

130. ISM en el Estado Español



131. Proja Pro Justice through Action

132. Society for Human Rights Humanitas

133. Mirovni Institut



134. The Palestine Solidarity Association of Sweden



135. Communist Party – political party

136. Collectif Urgence Palestine-VD

137. Urgence Palestine Nyon La Côte (Suisse)

138. BDS Switzerland

139. Alternative refugee center

140. Women and development



141. UNISON – trade union

142. Sabeel-Kairos – NGO

143. UK-Palestine Mental Health Network – NGO

144. Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK – NGO

145. War on Want

146. Red Card Israeli Racism campaign

147. British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP)

148. Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR)

149. Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (J-BIG)



150. LO i Oslo – trade union

151. Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees (Fagforbundet) – trade union

152. The Association of Norwegians NGOs – NGO

153. The Palestine Committee of Norway

154. The Norwegian Committee for Academic and Cultural boycott of the state of Israel – (AKULBI)


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