Call for action: Sanctions against Israeli settlements In the latest EU Heads of Mission Report on Jerusalem 2012 the EU consuls urge sanctions against Israeli settlements. Authored...
European trade and financial transactions in support of Israel’s illegal settlements 1. Introduction The recently leaked 2011 Jerusalem EU Heads of Mission report stated that Israel’s accelerating settlement construction poses...
The European Union has recommended its 27 member states imposing sanctions on Israeli settlements Download PDF report The annual mission report, which is written by all the heads of diplomatic missions of EU...
Parliament gives consent to EU-Israel ACAA Agreement Europe once again rewards Israel in spite of violations of International Law On October 23rd the European Parliament adopted the EU-Israel...
Stop the new EU – Israel trade protocol Last month, organisations and activists across Europe took action together to persuade the International Trade Committee of the European Parliament...
The EU-Israel ACAA agreement: legally flawed, encouraging impunity The European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP)calls upon members of the European Parliament to take a stand in support of...