Legal victory against the European Commission paves the way to stop trade with illegal settlements. For immediate release On 8 September 2021 the European Commission registered a European Citizens Initiative (ECI) that calls to end...
Citizens’ Initiative On The Ban Of Trade With Illegal Settlements – Q&A What is the European Citizens Initiative about? The European Citizens Initiative (ECI) demands that the European Commission proposes legal acts...
Open Letter to the States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty on the Need to Impose a Comprehensive Two-Way Arms Embargo on Israel PDF We, the undersigned global coalition of leaders –from civil society to academia, art, media, business, politics, indigenous and faith...
160 Recipients of EU Research Funding Call to Exclude Complicit Israeli Universities From EU Programmes 160 academics, past and current recipients of prestigious European Union research funding, urge the EU to exclude all Israeli academic...
130 MEPs and MPs support the UN database of companies complicit in illegal settlements A group of 130 MEPs and members of national parliaments sent a letter to the EU States, members of the...
Colonisation of occupied territory is a war crime States are shirking their obligations by allowing goods from occupied territories. A European Citizens' Initiative calls for a ban on...