European Parliamentary elections 2024: List of candidates who signed the #Vote for Palestine pledge

For immediate release

Between June 6 and 9, EU citizens will vote for their new representatives to the European Parliament.

In April, ECCP – a coalition of 44 organisations from 21 European countries – drafted a pledge: Stand for international law! Vote Palestine!, in order for European citizens to ascertain the position of their candidates on Palestinian rights. Two thousand EU citizens sent emails to their candidates to encourage them to stand for international law and sign the #Vote for Palestine pledge.

By signing the pledge, EP candidates committed themselves to promote the implementation of international law, relevant UN resolutions and the ICJ rulings pertaining to Gaza, during their mandate, and act upon what millions of EU citizens have been calling for: EU adherence to international law and to finally end its complicity with Israeli crimes.

230 candidates signed the pledge.You can find the full list of signatories on the bottom of the page:

English – European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine

Pledge signatories include:


More than 70 Swedish candidates signed, among them: 

The top three candidates of Miljöpartiet (The Greens)

  1. Alice Bah Kuhnke (current MEP)
  2. Pär Holmgren (current MEP)
  3. Isabella Lövin (former party leader)

The top three candidates of Vänsterpartiet (The Left)

1. Jonas Sjöstedt (former party leader)
2. Hanna Gedin
3. Carolina Gustafsson

Evin Incir, Socialdemokraterna (Social Democrats) current MEP, vice-chair of DPAL, Delegation for relations with Palestine

The coalition Värdigt liv (consisting of Feministiskt Initiativ and Partiet Vändpunkt) jointly endorsed Vote for Palestine and in addition most of the candidates signed individually.


51 candidates signed the pledge, including:

Three front-runners: Manon Aubry (LFI), Marie Toussaint (EELV), Naguib Azergui (UDMF-Free Palestine).

7 MP’s: Marie Toussaint (EELV), David Cormand (EELV), Mounir Satouri (EELV), Claude Gruffat (EELV), François Thiollet (EELV), Manon Aubry (LFI), Damien Carême (LFI),

8 Top Ten: Marie Toussaint (EELV), David Cormand (EELV), Mounir Satouri (EELV), Arash Saeidi (LFI), Damien Carême (LFI), Emma Fourreau (LFI), Anthony Smith (LFI), Naguib Azergui (UDMF-Free Palestine)

2 Head of parties: Marine Tondelier (EELV), Naguib Azergui (UDMF-Free Palestine).


39 Finnish candidates have signed the pledge, among them:

Ville Niinistö, Vihrea liitto

Li Andersson, Vasemmistoliitto

Gashaw Bibani, Vasemmistoliitto

Paco Diop, Vasemmistoliitto

Shawn Huff, Vihreä liitto

Mervi Grönfors, Suomen kommunistinen puolue

Timo Huhtamäki, Vihreä liitto

Miro Iivonen, Vihreä liitto

Jessi Jokelainen, Vasemmistoliitto

Perttu Jussila, Vihreä liitto

Viivi Järvelä, SDP

Tuire Kaimio, Vihreä liitto

Maiju Kuivalainen, Vasemmistoliitto

Matleena Kappi, Vasemmistoliitto

Lauri Linden, Vasemmistoliitto

Rosa Meriläinen, Vihreä liitto

Joona Mielonen, Vasemmistoliitto

Maria Ohisalo, Vihreä liitto

Niina Ratilainen, Vihreä liitto

Tiina Sandberg, Suomen kommunistinen puolue

Julia Sangervo, Vihreä liitto

Jussi Saramo, Vasemmistoliitto

Peppi Seppala, Vihreä liitto

Lotta Tuominen, Vasemmistoliitto

Pinja Vuorinen, Vasemmistoliitto


Fergal Landy – Labour Party

Maria Walsh – Fine Gael

Rory Hearne – Social Democrats

Paul Gavan – Sinn Féin

Kathleen Funchion – Sinn Féin

Brian Oboyle – People Before Profit

Chris MacManus MEP – Sinn Féin

Clare Daly MEP – Independents for change

Mick Wallace MEP – Independents for change

Ciaran Cuffe – Green Party

Cian Prendiville – People Before Profit

Grace O`Sullivan MEP – Green Party

Pauline O`Reilly – Green Party

Michelle Glidernew – Sinn Féin

Luke Flanagan MEP – Independent

Brendan Ogle – Independent

Saoirse Mchugh – Independent

Daithi Doolan – Sinn Féin

Birth Smith – People Before Profit


Maciej Konieczny – Nowa Lewica

Bożena Przyłuska – Nowa Lewica

Dorota Kolarska – Razem

Paulina Matysiak – Razem

Wiktoria Aleksandra Barańska – Razem

Bartosz Markowski – Razem

Natalia Hajewska – Razem

Paulina Korzenko – Razem

Magda Dropek – Nowa Lewica


Brando Benifei MEP Partito Democratico

Federico Dolce – Pace Terra Dignita

Piernicola Pedicini – Pace Terra Dignita

Maurizio Acerbo – Pace Terra Dignita

Silvia Panini – Partito Democratico

Marcello Saltarelli – Partito Democratico

Ahmad Saleh – Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra

Fabio Alberti – Pace Terra Dignita

Stefano Cecere – Movimento 5 Stelle

Esterluisa Lanfanchi – Movimento 5 Stelle


Ronan van Lang (nr. 6) – PvdD (Party of the Animals)

Merel Muller (nr. 28) – PvdD (Party of the Animals)

Ines Kostic (nr. 40) – PvdD (Party of the Animals)

Kim van Sparrentak (nr. 4) – GL

Tinneke Strik (nr. 5) – GL


Judith Meyer – MERA25

Grigori Koutsogkilas – MERA25

Vasileia Ismini Alexaki – MERA25

Konstantinos Tselios – MERA25

Thilo Matzkeit – MERA25

Faraz Baghaei – MERA25

Antonia Milbert – MERA25

Johannes Fehr – MERA25


Alexandra Aganbegović –

Juraj Ďurove –

Henrich Knuth –

Sely Papan –

Miroslav Pomajdík –

Ľubomír Zeman –


Bianca Tudor – Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol

Luis MIguel Lapena Moreno – Podemos


Yanis Varoufakis – European Realist Disobedience Front


Tilly Metz MEP – Green Party


Nanna Dalunde – Enhedslisten – De Rød-Grønne


George Liviu Banulescu – Independent


Jan Májíček – Levice

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