Protests against Shimon Peres at European Parliament – Strasbourg

Four demonstrations were organized in Strasbourg on March 12th – the day when Shimon Peres – President of the State of Israel – was talking in the European Parliament.

Actions took place inside the European Parliament in cooperation with MEP`s from GUE/VN group as well as outside the building.

Activists organized also demonstration in the center of the city. They claim the solidarity with Palestine and freedom for all the Palestinian prisoners.

Here you can read the statement of MEP Paul Murphy regarding the Shimon Peres visit in Parliament.

Demonstration in Strasbourg was organised by:

Union juive française pour la paix (European Jews for Justice and Peace)
Association des travailleurs maghrébins de France ATMF

and endorsed by:

Collectif judéo-arabe et citoyen pour la Palestine CJACP
AIPPP (Association Internationale Préservation Patrimoine Palestinien)
Civimed Initiatives (Droits de l’homme Bassin Méditerranéen)
Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste 67 NPA
Fédération du Bas-Rhin du Parti Communiste Français
Cercle Communiste d’Alsace
Association France Palestine Solidarité AFPS 68
CPJMO (Coordination pour la Paix et Justice au Moyen-orient)
Mouvement des Jeunesses communistes 67



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