Vote for Palestine – Netherlands




1.Will you support measures to exclude Israeli illegal settlements from the EU relations with Israel?

2.And will you support a campaign to exclude goods entering the EU from Israel’s settlements beyond the Green Line?

3.Will you ensure that the EU fully applies the conditionality clause guaranteeing respect for human rights in all its future and current agreements between the EU and Israel? 

4.Will you oppose Israel’s violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and will you support Palestinians’ right to self-determination?



PVV , VVD , PvdA , D66 and Artikel50 gave no answer.

CDA replied saying they wouldn’t answer.

Party for Animals had no time to reply .

SGP / CU wrote they would answer if we reformulated our questions. The good news is that a number of parties have expressed a clear position and clearly formulated the answers. 

The SP (Dennis de Jong) GUE answered Yes to questions 4 times and added : ” These answers apply to all candidates on the SP list for the elections to the European Parliament .”

GroenLinks (Bas Eickhof) SDE also replied Yes everywhere , and added : * Notes to question 2 :

The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory constitutes the greatest obstacle to peace between Israel and Palestine . Calls from the EU to stop the construction of illegal settlements for Jewish settlers , are ignored by the Israeli government. The EU should step up its sanctions incrementally .

For products from the settlements , the EU has been a higher tariff . It is now time to suspend the association agreement, so that all trade benefits for Israel are ended. Banning products from the settlements from the European market should be the next step if Israel continues with this settlement policy .

50 +: a surprise came from 50 + led by Toine Manders ( who was elected as a VVD member to the European Parliament in the previous election) who answered Yes to all four questions with no further no comments.

The Piratenpartij (G.Niessen) responded that they are for the two – state solution , but added that they would support boycotts to achieve this.

Also a new party , the Anti EU ( RO ) Party , gives very clear answers , but negative : 4 times no and in Question 5 : ” We are completely opposed to the EU ( European Union) so against any initiative and decision of this undemocratic monster. “

Another new party , Aandacht en Eenvoud, with Abraham Kruijff, is taking part in these elections specifically in order to contribute to peace for both sides in the Middle East.

question 1 : Has a project “ Peace will come” and will try to bring both parties together, probably after either side takes the initiative, backed by an outside body.

question 2 No. The party has a better solution, i.e. a number of people with influential organizations in the Netherlands and the EU to come together, approach the region and discuss ad1 with Israel and the Palestinians .

question 3 otherwise, See the answers to 1 and 2 .

question 4, otherwise, see 1.

A Different Jewish Voice’s questionaries (EAJG) results can be found here .

Interesting is that a large number of parties ( PvdA (Paul Tang) SDE , D66 (Sophie in ‘t Veld) ALDE , GroenLinks (Bas Eickhout) SDE , SP (Dennis de Jong) GUE , and PVDD (Anja Hazekamp ) replied that the Association Agreement should be suspended if Israel continues to build settlements with Israel. According to our information, this also applies to the 50 + party .

A ban on settlement products is supported by GroenLinks, SP and the 50+ party.

Eight parties supported the Guideline issued by the European Commission not to supply funding to organizations or enterprises in Israeli settlements: CDA, PVDA, VVD, D66, GroenLinks, SP, 50+ and Animals party PVDD.